Marsabit, Kenya

The Branding Project

Start: Dec 2019 - End: Jun 2020

The Branding Project

CRDD partnered with DITSL to support the implementation of the project “Value chain development through branding pastoralists‘ small stock in Marsabit County, Kenya funded by Christensen Fund project” (The Branding project). The project assesses the requirements and feasibility to establish a value chain for branded products (e.g. origin labelled, organic certified) together with the primary and secondary actors of the pastoral small ruminant supply chain.

Livestock production and particularly the sale of small ruminants is the main income source of the majority of households in Marsabit County. However up to now, the producer price is low and unpredictable. In order to increase income from sale of small ruminants, the project intends to explore options to establish value chains that recognize and pay for the high and specific process and product quality of sheep and goats produced in the pastoral production system in the arid areas of Marsabit County. In this system, small ruminants feed on very diversified forages, which influence meat quality. Due to animal friendly keeping conditions, animal health conditions are better than in many stationary systems. Goat meat from pastoral areas is preferred by consumers in towns, due to its taste, tenderness and superior quality. However up to now, this quality does not translate into better profit for pastoralists due to lack of market differentiation for quality sheep and goat from pastoral areas.

The project targeted Rendille pastoralists in Laisamis sub-county of Marsabit county, so that the project can profit from the results and contacts from current studies on the pastoral small ruminant value chain and community groups engaging in sale of sheep and goats.

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